What is NKT?
NKT is a systematic approach to assessing and correcting faulty motor patterns held in the body by the brain. Unlike other techniques which address the "hardware" of the body, NKT provides the practitioner with insight on what is happening with the "software" of the body.
“David Weinstock co-developed this technique in the 1980s, and has used it to treat a variety of disorders and pain syndromes. The NeuroKinetic Therapy™ corrective movement system protocol includes a system of precise muscle tests. It has the ability to change the programming of the Motor Control Center (MCC) in the cerebellum. The MCC coordinates all movement patterns in the body. It learns through failure.
What to Expect With NKT
First and foremost, before anything else, is taking an in-depth and thorough health-history from the client. Without certain specific information regarding ANY past traumas/injuries/accidents/surgeries/hospitalization, therapy may not be as effective as it could be. The worst and highest priority dysfunctions are typically past traumas that the body has been forced to compensate for.
NKT Process
Following medical history is a movement/postural assessment to see what is moving properly in the body. This will allow a practitioner to determine an appropriate hypothesis of which areas are compensating due to poor movement patterns.
The practitioner then uses specific muscle challenges to determine the function of various muscles/ligaments/fascia and “sift out” any weaknesses that the nervous system is hiding to keep the body safe. This is where most other modalities of treatment fail to find the source of pain.
In NKT®, we aim to determine the root cause of your pain and to not only address the symptoms. We always TEST and never GUESS what the issue is. This affords safer and more effective treatment for the client in a fraction of the time. After hands on treatment interventions, clients generally feel immediate relief of pain and feel “light” on their feet as they walk and move. This is what makes NKT so powerful and such an effective tool in the manual therapist’s toolbox.
NKT Practitioner (Level 3)
Ricki Porter at R3 Integrative Health is a Master NKT® Practitioner (level 3) and utilizes this approach in order to accurately assess and treat dysfunction in all walks of life. If you have any questions regarding this approach, or would like to call for an appointment.