If you're struggling with aches and pains that aren't going away on their own, deep tissue massage therapy is the treatment you need to find relief.

R3's proven track record unlocks stiff muscles and gets them moving again without pain holding you back.

Here's What You Need To Know About Deep tissue Massage

We call it "Fibrous Adhesion Release".

Fibrous Adhesion Release is a highly specific manual therapy technique. It works by breaking up and mobilizing unhealthy, fibrotic tissues in the body. Sometimes, due to inflammation, stress, tension etc., tissues will become adhered too other tissues (e.g. muscles adhered to other muscles or nerves adhered to fascia).

Through a combination of pressure and tension by the practitioner and movement (usually active) on the part of the client, these adhesions are resolved and fibrotic tissue and scar tissue are broken up. This affords the body a full range of motion and allows for restoration of strength and function. The practitioner makes use of active client movements during releases. This not only yields better results, but makes the work more comfortable for the client.

There are many common conditions from repetition-induced stress that this technique is intended to treat.

Overused muscles result in tears, pulls, strain, and may even not receive enough oxygen (hypoxia). This technique targets the root cause of the problem rather than focusing on mere pain relief.

While pain relief is one of the by-products, clients report long-lasting improvements in flexibility and reduced tissue stress after even one session.

These conditions occur sometimes because scar tissue builds up on an over-worked muscle. This tissue does not simply ‘flush out’ or disappear, it continues to increase and create a restriction. This can result in trapped nerves, reduced range of motion, muscle or joint pain and altered movement patterns.

While the essence of strength training is the stimulation of muscular activity, when there is imbalance in the body (or when exercises are done improperly), the road to chronic joint and muscle pain is unfortunately short. Routine myofascial release sessions can prevent these issues from occurring in the first place and resolve them once they have. We will work with you to prevent adhesions from forming while assessing and resolving existing pain and dysfunction.

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